jueves, 2 de mayo de 2024



Ecuador has recently gone from being an extremely sexist and conservative country, to a country with an open mind and one that respects the various existing sexual orientations, while coexisting in the treatment of tolerance and mutual respect.

The gay scene in this country is fun, entertaining and friendly. The majority of GLBTI people in Ecuador are kind, educated and focused on getting ahead despite the discrimination that has been suffered since the Spanish conquest due to the arrival of a religion with sexist conceptions. But also, as in any type of conglomerate, there are people who are dedicated to theft, fraud and, above all, trying to take economic advantage of tourists, especially from first world countries

In our country, a GRINGO is anyone who has white skin, green or blue eyes, blonde hair, and speaks any language other than Spanish. It doesn't matter what country you are from, it can be from France, Italy, Russian, etc. If you have the characteristics mentioned above, they will say that you are a GRINGO, without this term being derogatory. But rest assured that for the vast majority of people, especially young gays, the word GRINGO is synonymous with “he comes with money,” and that is an extremely great attraction to start the conquest. Therefore, if you have these characteristics, it is preferable that you take certain precautions, especially when meeting people online.

Based on my experience of more than 20 years as a gay tourist guide, I recommend the following:

- It is better that you leave your passport at your hotel. You may have a photo of this on your cell phone. If your passport is lost in this country, you will go through a cumbersome process to try to get another one from your embassy.

-          When you go to places where alcohol is consumed such as bars, discos, nightclubs, please only carry the money you will need for consumption, leave your credit cards at the hotel or your accommodation. (To enter these sites they will ask you to show a photo of your passport and also the vaccination certificate). I recommend that you DO NOT carry credit cards. 

      If you are gay and feel attracted to meeting other gay people to have sex, it is preferable that you go to saunas or videos that are safer. Making contacts through applications can be pleasant in some cases, in others, extremely unpleasant.

When making contacts through applications, you will find, above all, many young people who will want to meet you. If you have the characteristics of a gringo, they will see three main reasons why they want to contact you:

Prostitution: Payment for sex.
Risk: Many prostitutes ask to be invited to their hotel room in which you are most likely going to have a robbery.

      Another risk is the transmission of Sexual Infections. A large part of the sex workers who use these means may have an STI or HIV since for them there is a rate with or without a condom. Unfortunately, several people living with HIV who suffer from sexual addiction, and who feel more pleasure when having sex without a condom, pay more money to the prostitute in order to fulfill their goal, without caring about the evil they are doing. Always use a condom in all your relationships.

Tactic for robbery inside a hotel room: After having sexual intercourse, they ask you to go take a shower, while you do so, 
The prostitute is checking her belongings. Money, documents, cards, credit cards, cell phones, are the most attractive for them.

Take advantage of your stay.

      Some seek above all to be their companion. Since you, if you feel attracted to them, will invite them to eat in restaurants that they suggest, but that they cannot financially afford, they will ask you to travel with you to hotels that they also cannot afford, and they will surely buy the air ticket. In the end, if you want to do it, it is your right. It is a type of indirect prostitution, in which in the end, they will even ask you to buy them several clothes that they could not afford. And it is not because they cannot do it by working, but rather that this type of life becomes easier for them. In the end you may have had good company, and your Ecuadorian friend will be bragging to his other friends about what a great time he had.

Take financial advantage of you.

     In this type of friendship on the internet or through applications you also have to be very careful, since many manage to get money by introducing themselves, gradually becoming good friends and in the end when they are sure, they will tell you that their mother is sick, or that his brother is about to die,
 that their father mistreats them and that he has left them out of the house, that they have the dream of pursuing a university degree, but that for this they need money and with a sad face, they will tell him that they are poor, and by showing great suffering they will achieve their goal , get your money through a lie.

Therefore, before establishing relationships through these means, it is best to look at the economic and professional status of the person you are going to contact. The vast majority of financially independent gay men will not seek this type of relationship and rather want to meet him to achieve a good friendship and get along, something else. These types of experiences are more positive, and you can also find them by personally attending gay sites.

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